海外アジアの現地採用の新着求人 4ページ目



61-80 / 724 件
  • 施工管理者(エネルギー)

    • VND 90,000,000 - 94,000,000
    • ベトナム ホーチミン
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    【業務内容】 ・受注した案件の工事開始立会 ・建設現場での進捗管理(施工期間は約6ヶ月間) ・設計図面や工程表の確認 ・工事を依頼する協力会社との定例会議出席 ・不具合発生時の緊急対応 ・メンテナンス、アフターケア対応 【組織構成】 約7名(うち日本人2名) 【必須スキル】 ・学歴:大学卒業以上 ・語学:英語日常会話レベル以上(社内、協力会社とのコミュニケーションで使用) ・経験:ゼネコンやサブコンでの施工管理経験3年以上 ・その他: 電気図面の読解が可能な方 【歓迎スキル】 ・経験:ベトナムでの就業経験をお持ちの方

  • 【営業経験を活かし既存顧客と強固な関係性を築ける方】営業(塗料)

    • THB 70,000 - 100,000
    • タイ バンコク
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    【業務内容】 ー仕事概要 営業ポジションとして、既存クライアントとの関係地の構築をご担当いただきます。 ー仕事内容 ・クライアントを訪問し、関係構築および提案業務 *8-9割が既存クライアント、社用車貸与、自走の必要あり *業務に慣れた後は、新規開拓も担って頂きます ・営業用資料の作成(提案資料・見積もり・受発注書など) ・サプライヤーと納期や商材についての連絡(英語使用) ・売上と進捗の管理および報告 【語学】 英語:日常会話レベル以上(社内コミュニケーションおよびサプライヤーとのやり取りで使用) 【求めている人物像】 ・現状維持ではなく、上昇志向を持って仕事に取り組める方 ・ローカルスタッフと目線を合わせて協力していける方 ・柔軟に対応し、新しいことを考えていける方 【必須要件】 ・3-5年以上の法人営業経験 ・英語 日常会話レベル以上 (社内コミュニケーションおよびサプライヤーとのやり取りで使用) ・運転免許 (社用車貸与、自走にてクライアント訪問) 【歓迎要件】 ・自動車または二輪車業界での経験か塗料業界での経験 ・タイ語 日常会話レベル以上 ・自動車/二輪車向け塗料の経験をお持ちの方

  • 事業開発コンサルティング会社 シニアアナリスト (番号153617)

    • CNY 30,000 - 35,000
    • 中国 上海
    • サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)

    【職務詳細】 ■ローカルの新エネルギー産業及び政策の動向に関する調査・研究の受託 ■ローカル新エネ産業に関連する自主企画調査ならびに情報・資料の提供、販売 ■ローカルにおける事業開発支援(企業間業務提携の仲介、市場調査業務など) ■新エネ関連先進技術のローカルにおける事業化の支援、コンサルティング ■ ジュニアアナリストチームを率いて、事実に基づいた調査・分析 ■一次調査、ヒアリング ■クライアントに納品するために必要なレベルまでアウトプットの品質の管理 ■リサーチ解説や記事の編集 ■既存顧客との関係構築 ■新たなコネクションを通じた新規顧客の開拓 【魅力】 ★新しい知識を蓄えることが出来る! ★キャリアアップのスピードが速い! ★社内環境が良く、離職率が低い! 【必須条件】 ■大卒以上 ■中国就労ビザ基準を満たした方 ■英語はビジネスレベル以上 【求める人物像】 ■ローカルで仕事をしたいという気持ちが強い方 ■ロジカル的に話せて、頭の良い方 ■チャレンジ精神がある方 ★20代後半~30代後半の方が活躍中! ※キーワード:中国日系企業就職 中国勤務 リクルート中国就職支援 無料斡旋サービス アナリスト

  • 飲食サービス会社 現場ホールマネージャー(番号158683)

    • CNY 12,000 - 18,000
    • 中国 上海
    • サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)

    【職務詳細】 ■レストラン全般ホール運営管理 ■売上管理 ■レストランスタッフ出退勤管理 ■レストラン飲材仕入れ管理 ■人材育成、採用、トレーニング ■サービス品質管理 ■本社への定期報告 ■レストランイベント企画立案から施行 ■その他レストラン間連業務 【魅力】 ★日系企業としての接客を学べる! ★寮・社宅あり! 【必須条件】 ■中国就労ビザ基準を満たした方 ■中国語は準ビジネスレベル ■接客業界経験者 ■店舗にて実務経験をお持ちの方 【求める人物像】 ■真面目に勤務出来る方 ■向上心がある方 ★20代後半~30代の方が活躍中! ※キーワード:中国日系企業就職 中国勤務 リクルート中国就職支援 無料斡旋サービス 接客 飲食サービス 現場ホール

  • 広告会社 営業部門マネージャー (番号158535)

    • CNY 30,000 - 60,000
    • 中国 上海
    • サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)

    【業務詳細】 主に日系クライアント企業の広告・ECマーケティング活動のサポート ■広告、EC、SNSを活用したマーケティング計画の戦略立案、顧客への提案 ■業務進行時における企画制作、EC関連スタッフへのディレクション業務、プロジェクト管理業務 ■営業チームの管理マネジメント 【魅力】 ★大手広告代理店での勤務となります! ★最先端の広告マーケティング・EC業務に関わることが出来ます! ★これまでのメディア運用やデジタルマーケティングの経験を活かすことが出来ます! 【必須条件】 ■大卒以上 ■中国語は一般会話レベル以上 ■広告・マーケティング経験あり ■広告・デジタル・PR関連の営業経験あり ★30代~40代半ばの方が活躍中! ※キーワード:中国日系企業就職 中国勤務 リクルート中国就職支援 無料斡旋サービス 広告・EC マーケティング デジタル・PR

  • 電機商社 営業支援職 (番号156895)

    • CNY 15,000 - 22,000
    • 中国 上海
    • 商社・運輸・貿易業界

    【職務詳細】 ■本社とのやりとり ■本社からの出張者への中国国内アテンド(営業支援、代理店との同行営業への付き添い) ■本社からの出張者の出張同行 ※国内出張あり 【魅力】 ★シェア拡大中の企業で働ける! ★安定性が高い! ★仕事に対しての成果をしっかり評価してくれる環境! ★業績好調! 【必須条件】 ■大卒以上 ■中国就労ビザ基準を満たした方 ■中国語は準ビジネスレベル以上 ■法人営業経験あり 【求める人物像】 ■コミュニケーション能力が高い方 ■頑張ろうとする意欲がある方 ■外回りや外勤できる方 ■真面目な方 ★20代後半~30代前半の方が活躍中! ※キーワード:中国日系企業就職 中国勤務 リクルート中国就職支援 無料斡旋サービス 営業

  • 化学品専門商社 新規開拓営業担当 (番号156320)

    • CNY 15,500 - 26,000
    • 中国 上海
    • 商社・運輸・貿易業界

    【職務詳細】 ■既に取引のある企業へ挨拶~営業の引き継ぎ ■現地に慣れてきたら本社経由の新規顧客への営業 ■化学品、機器設備などの商社営業、メーカー開拓 ■新規開拓、外注管理、輸出入等多岐にわたる業務 【魅力】 ★社内は自由度が高い! ★日本本社採用可能性ありのため、日本の福利厚生を適用! ★日本への一時帰国手当あり! ★社員のスキルアップを会社全体でサポートする体制も整っています! ★まずは営業として入社頂き、数年後には現地の責任者として活躍頂くことを求めます! 【必須条件】 ■大卒以上 ■中国就労ビザ基準を満たした方 ■中国語は一般会話レベル以上 ■製造業界経験者 ■法人営業経験あり 【求める人物像】 ■素直で、愚直な方 ■積極的に行動できる方 ■自分の意見をしっかりと言えるような方 ★20代半ば~40代の方が活躍中! ※キーワード:中国日系企業就職 中国勤務 リクルート中国就職支援 無料斡旋サービス 製造業界営業

  • コンサルティンググループ会社 ファイナンシャル・リスクアドバイザー (番号154295)

    • CNY 15,000 - 50,000
    • 中国 上海
    • サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)

    【職務詳細】 ■ローカル実態把握支援(事業DD、財務DD) ■ローカル経営改善支援(資金繰り、会議体、KPI数値モニタリング、組織人事変革、リストラクチャリング、ガバナンス強化、システム導入) ■ローカル撤退支援(清算、持分譲渡) ■FA関連業務(交渉・PMI等) ■組織、経営管理 ■リスクマネジメントガバナンス ■その他 【魅力】 ★専門性を活かした仕事ができる! ★多種多様な業種にサービスを提供している! ★自ら機会を作り、機会を求める方にとって最高の舞台です! ★自ら成長し、会社を発展させていく事を楽しみたい方にとって、またとないチャンスがあります! ★オフィスが綺麗、駅が近くアクセスしやす! ★会社携帯支給、健康診断あり! 【必須条件】 ■大卒以上 ■中国就労ビザ基準を満たした方 ■戦略コンサル出身者 ■CPA、USCPA保有者 ■M&A経験あり ■5年以上会計事務所、監査法人、財務コンサル、事業会社の財務・経理などのバックグラウンド経験あり ★20代後半~30代前半の方が活躍中! ※キーワード:中国日系企業就職 中国勤務 リクルート中国就職支援 無料斡旋サービス

  • Sales Executive

    • SGD 3,000 - 4,500
    • シンガポール シティ
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client Service/Product: Fishing tools The Responsibilities: As a Sales Executive, you will be responsible for a range of activities aimed at driving sales and ensuring client satisfaction. Your primary duties will include: Conducting Sales Activities ・Proactively engage in sales efforts to promote company products/services ・Develop and maintain relationships with clients to enhance business opportunities Market Research ・Conduct thorough market research in assigned areas and regions ・Analyse market trends and competitor activities to identify opportunities and threats Client Communication ・Gather and understand client needs and expectations ・Effectively communicate client requirements to the internal team for seamless service delivery Manage relationships with distributors and dealers to ensure a strong distribution network ・Collaborate with partners to optimize sales and distribution strategies ・Distributor and Dealer Management Marketing Activities ・Execute both online and offline marketing activities to enhance brand visibility ・Implement effective marketing strategies The Requirements: ・Minimum 1 Year Sales Experience ・Demonstrate a track record of at least 1 year in a sales executive role ・Proven ability to meet and exceed sales target ・Experience in the manufacturing or trading industry is preferred ・Understanding of sales dynamics and market trends ・Display a proactive attitude towards continuous learning and adaptation ・Openness to embracing new technologies and methodologies in the sales domain ・Excellent communication and interpersonal skills ・Strong organizational and time-management abilities ・Results-oriented with a focus on customer satisfaction RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep.

  • Senior Consultant (Insurance)

    • SGD 6,500 - 10,500
    • シンガポール シティ
    • インターネット業界(IT/ソフトウェア/ハードウェア/モバイル/通信 他)

    Our Client: Our client's diverse expertise spans from business process re-engineering to facilitating global business expansion strategies. Their comprehensive range of services enables them to support their clients at every stage of their growth journey, whether they are seeking to streamline their operations, enter new markets, or expand their global footprint. They are actively looking for a Senior Consultant to manage end-to-end policy lifecycle processes and peripherals within the Insurance Industry. The Responsibilities: ・Update the job description to highlight the specific tasks related to business analysis and project management, including requirements gathering, analysis, improvement, prioritization, project planning, tracking, and issue resolution ・Manage projects and analyse business techniques, using relevant tools such as Microsoft Project or JIRA The Requirements: ・With at least 2 years of experience specifically within the Insurance Industry ・Preferred someone who possess the requisite experience in digital-related projects or technologies, along with the analytical, presentation, and soft skills necessary for success in the role ・Diploma/ Degree with relevant Computer Science/IT or equivalent RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep.

  • Sales & Marketing (Assistant Manager/ Senior Executive )

    • SGD 4,000 - 5,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client: Our client is a prominent player in the food and beverage industry, renowned for crafting high-quality products sourced from premium vegetables and fruits globally. Our commitment to excellence is evident in every aspect of our business, from meticulous ingredient selection to innovative product development. They take pride in nourishing families with the goodness of the earth, ensuring every bite and sip brings joy and satisfaction. Currently, they are seeking a Sales and Marketing Senior Executive/Assistant Manager to join their dynamic team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: Sales ・Achieve sales budget for assigned territory ・Implement sales activities for existing and new products ・Liaise closely with customers concerning sales activities, i.e. promotion and marketing ・Monitor and manage the movement of sales and A&P expenses ・Identity the requirements of distributors in their regions and propose strategy in selection of new distributors if necessary ・Prepare and review the annual budget for the area of responsibility ・Analyse regional market trends and discover new opportunities for growth ・Address potential problems and suggest prompt solutions ・Participate in decisions for expansion or acquisition Suggest new services/products and innovative sales techniques Marketing ・Develop plans to help establish our brand, allocating resources to different projects and setting short-term and long-terms goals ・Identify opportunities to reach new market segments and expand market share ・Monitor competition (acquisitions, pricing changes and new products and features) ・Coordinate sales and marketing efforts to boost brand awareness ・Relevant experience and interest in copy writing, digital marketing, and social media development The Requirements: ・A strong team player with a proactive attitude ・Able to work in a fast-paced environment ・Excellent communication skills ・Ability to analyse data and establish sales goals, forecast revenue, and determine the effectiveness of a sales and marketing strategy ・Strong organisational skills with a problem-solving attitude ・Availability to travel as and when required ・To support in ad-hoc assignments and projects when required ・Basic computer skill (MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint) ・Fluent in Chinese language to be able to liaise effectively with native Mandarin -and Cantonese- speaking clients ・Preferably with 3-5 years of regional working experience in FMCG/ Retail/ Food Service/ Food Manufacturing, handling business development, key account management or direct selling to potential customers or retailers RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep.

  • System Engineer (Security)

    • SGD 4,000 - 5,500
    • シンガポール シティ
    • 商社・運輸・貿易業界

    Our Client: We are digital landscape of Southeast Asia, North Asia, and West Asia. Having a regional headquarters in Singapore positions your company strategically in one of Asia's leading technology hubs. We are looking for the candidate who must be an enthusiastic, proactiveness, and motivation necessary to thrive in a technology-driven environment. Collaborate with internal stakeholders to develop and implement compliance procedures and guidelines The Responsibilities: ・Analyze existing business processes and workflows within the organization. ・Identify areas for improvement and optimization through digitalization. ・Engage with the Global HQ to understand the direction and objectives of Office 365 projects. ・Provide technical support and assistance to users for Office 365 applications and PC desktop issues. ・Troubleshoot and resolve software and hardware issues related to Office 365 and desktop environments. The Requirements: ・Diploma or Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, Business Administration, or related field. ・3-5 years of experience in business process improvement, Office 365 support, and Power Platform development. ・Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to translate business requirements into technical solutions. RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep.

  • System Engineer

    • SGD 5,000 - 8,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • インターネット業界(IT/ソフトウェア/ハードウェア/モバイル/通信 他)

    Our Client: Our client is renowned for their expertise, experience, and ability to deliver cutting-edge IT solutions and services to clients globally. Their seasoned management teams and skilled IT professionals always ensure the successful execution of complex projects and initiatives. They are actively seeking for a System Engineer to join their dynamic team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: ・Deploy and install IT systems or components according to specifications and best practices ・Optimize system performance through fine-tuning and configuration adjustments ・Integrate various systems and components to ensure seamless operation ・Troubleshoot issues promptly and efficiently, diagnosing problems and implementing solutions ・Plan and execute system upgrades, ensuring minimal disruption to operations ・Participate and assist with 24x7 support of the environment The Requirements: ・Bachelor's degree in an IT-related field or equivalent experience ・Minimum of 5 years in IT work experience ・Good knowledge on VMWare vSphere and supporting products ・Good knowledge on Windows Server Support ・Good understanding of ITIL framework ・Knowledge of IaaS and Cloud Knowledge is an advantage (AWS, Azure) RGF Privacy Policy - https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep.

  • Project Manager (Infrastructure)

    • SGD 7,000 - 15,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • インターネット業界(IT/ソフトウェア/ハードウェア/モバイル/通信 他)

    Our Client: Our client is renowned for their expertise, experience, and ability to deliver cutting-edge IT solutions and services to clients globally. Their seasoned management teams and skilled IT professionals always ensure the successful execution of complex projects and initiatives. They are actively seeking for a Project Manager to join their dynamic team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: ・Gather stakeholders to define the project's purpose, objectives, and expected outcomes ・Clearly outline the project scope, including what will be included and excluded from the project ・Identify key deliverables that must be achieved to meet the project objectives ・Establish realistic timelines and milestones for each deliverable and phase of the project ・Develop a detailed project plan ・Engage Users Throughout the Project Lifecycle ・Collaborate with stakeholders to define UAT objectives, criteria, and test scenarios ・Develop test cases and scripts based on user requirements and business processes ・Coordinate UAT activities, including scheduling, test execution, defect tracking, and resolution The Requirements: ・Bachelor's degree or equivalent ・Minimum 5 years in project management experience ・Experience in handling multiple tasks/projects simultaneously while maintaining a customer-oriented approach and excellent communication skills RGF Privacy Policy - https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep.

  • Infrastructure Project Manager

    • SGD 12,000 - 14,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)

    Our Client: Our client is a prominent Japanese consulting firm looking for a Project Manager in IT Infrastructure to join their team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: ・Facilitate IT projects from the initiation to release phases ・Interface project members ・Replacement of network hardware ・Software version upgrade ・Miscellaneous infrastructure project ・Communication with stakeholders ・Create project plan ・Initiate and manage project as a project manager (Including standard management tasks such as schedule, quality, cost management) ・Communicate with project members to facilitate projects The Requirements: ・Bachelor's Degree holder and above ・With 10 to 15 years’ experience ・Over 5 years of IT Project management experience ・With client-facing experience ・Knowledge of standard project management (e.g. PMBOK) ・Work experience in a consulting firm ・Proficient in Japanese language (Business level) is required to liaise with native Japanese-speaking stakeholders RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep.

  • Senior Consultant (AML)

    • SGD 8,500 - 10,500
    • シンガポール シティ
    • サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)

    Our Client: Our client is one of the leading in Japanese IT consulting company. They are seeking for a Senior Consultant (AML) to join their team in Singapore The Responsibilities: ・Responsible for business analysis for banking process/system ・Responsible for communication with banking clients and our project members ・You will be responsible for creating necessary documents like As-Is/To-Be business process flow, Requirement Document, Use Case, Data Analysis, System Architecture, Project Plan, etc. The Requirements: ・Must have 3 years’ work experience of business or IT consulting as consultant ・Highly proficiency in MS Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Word), and good at documentation ・Good presentation skills ・Able to commit long term assignment in one project/theme for more than 1 year ・Should be able to work under pressure and tight deadlines assigned to the position as an individual contributor ・Good analytical & problem-solving skills ・Possessing strong interpersonal skills, someone who is adaptable, and who demonstrates a professional demeanor ・With general banking process/system knowledge ・Experience of working in banking project ・Experience of working in GRC(Governance, Risk & Compliance), System Implementation or Business Process Enhancement related projects ・Experience of project management ・Have basic data analysis skill ・Have basic knowledge/skill on Database applications (SQL, ER diagram, ETL etc.) ・Able to start work immediately RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep.

  • Tax assistant

    • SGD 3,000 - 4,500
    • シンガポール シティ
    • サービス業界(メディア/広告/コンサルタント/教育/外食/飲食/美容/娯楽/士業 他)

    Our Client: Our client is an independent auditing firm, they provide services to not less than 800 clients for accounting audits, taxation, outsourcing and consulting/advisory services. They are actively looking to hire a Tax Assistant to join their reputable team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: ・Prepare/issue invoices to customers, check payments Communicate with clients ・Arrangement of meetings between the Firm's representatives and clients ・Assist with enquiries to the Inland Revenue Department of Singapore ・Organizing, filing, and mailing of documents, etc. ・Assisting with general administrative tasks related to tax filing, to provide support for tax filing, tax calculation of personal income tax (if willing) ・The focus will be on providing communication support to the Firm's client representatives in charge of their clients and general business affairs related to billing ・お客様への請求書の作成・発行、入金確認 ・顧客とのやり取り ・面談の手配 ・書類の整理 ・税務申告に関する一般事務の補助、個人所得税の申告、税額計算のサポート ・その他付随業務 The Requirements: ・Able to work with a customer-first mindset ・Able to deal with customers in a well-mannered manner, particularly via email ・English language skill is a must for daily conversational level or more in-depth, as this may be required for internal and external communication ・Preferential conditions: Japanese commercial bookkeeping level 3 qualification, experience working in an accounting firm, experience in sales administration to be able to accomplish the task smoothly and to be able to liaise effectively with native Japanese-speakers <必須> ・お客様第一の考えを持って仕事に取り組める方 ・英語力日常会話レベル以上(業務上必要なため) <歓迎> ・優遇条件:商業簿記3級資格、会計事務所での勤務経験、営業事務の経験 RGF Privacy Policy -https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep.

  • Software Developer

    • SGD 4,000 - 6,000
    • シンガポール シティ
    • インターネット業界(IT/ソフトウェア/ハードウェア/モバイル/通信 他)

    Our Client: Our client is incorporated in Singapore for more than 20 years supporting wide range of Information Technology (IT) services to Japanese Customers whose business located in ASEAN besides OGIS and SMBC Group. They are actively looking to hire a Software Developer to join their team in Singapore. About the Role: The Software Developer will provide business analysis, also in the development of skills and management of the development effort within core banking and back-office focused technology projects with close communication with HQ IT department in Japan as part of the bank’s wider program of digital transformation initiatives. The position entails designing and driving the implementation of development best practices while playing a crucial role in spearheading technical analysis, design, development, and system integration testing around their Core Banking application as well as related sub-systems, also in supporting the maintenance of the software. The Responsibilities: ・Responsible for the development planning and delivery of system integration and technology development book of work for Core Banking / Back Office / Business Process Management applications ・Work with HQ IT department in Japan, Project Manager, Business Analyst, and Test Managers to ensure the efficiency of system integration test cycles and propose improvements required if defects are found. In addition to unit testing code, this includes supporting all testing cycles (System ・Integration Testing, User Acceptance Testing) ensuring all deliverables are aligned with technology development governance ・Work with Technology Infrastructure and Technology Application teams to ensure through adequate system design and testing that Technology operations risks can be minimized and that application data is appropriately structured, controlled, and utilized within the business ・Review and provide technical support and expert advice throughout all technical stages of projects, Change Requests, and support for maintenance ・Identify, define, and coordinate development activities within a project or Change request, such as additional specific functionality, interfacing to external systems or conversion programs to be built ・Maintain system in a production environment by communicating stakeholders including HQ IT department in Japan The Requirements: ・Have experience of system development in all the lifecycle from coding, testing to business analysis and system maintenance in bank ・Good team management experience ・Knowledge of international bank transfer ・Good English and Japanese languages, to be able to communicate effectively with native Japanese-speaking stakeholders in Japan HQ, those who are based in Singapore, and other APAC region ・Good analytical and problem-solving abilities RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy​ Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at ttps://www.tal.sg/tafep.

  • IT Infra Engineer (Japanese Speaker)

    • SGD 4,000 - 7,000
    • シンガポール ウエスト
    • インターネット業界(IT/ソフトウェア/ハードウェア/モバイル/通信 他)

    Our Client: Our client is incorporated in Singapore for more than 20 years supporting wide range of Information Technology (IT) services to Japanese clients whose business located in ASEAN besides OGIS and SMBC Group. They are actively looking to hire an IT Infra Engineer to join their team in Singapore. The Responsibilities: ・Maintain internal system platform and client devices, and proactively plan for improvement of quality, effectiveness, and efficiency ・Demonstrate good knowledge and technical proficiency in server platforms such as Windows Server, Linux, and VMware ・Effectively administrate Windows Active Directory, Symantec Endpoint Protection, Veeam Backup, Cisco L2 Switches, and Palo Alto Firewall ・Provision Windows 10 desktop and Microsoft Intune managed laptop Risk and Control ・Provide timely escalation and resolution of major issues to Management and Head Office teams Client and Stakeholder Engagement ・Flexibly correspond to the operation and collaborate with staff within the organization and from Head Office ・Work as a technical specialist with the responsibility to plan and deliver technical deliverables and coordinate with internal teams, partners/vendors, and key stakeholders Projects & Other Responsibilities ・Prepare and present regular reports and documentation ・Ensure that the task status and progress are communicated to stakeholders in a meaningful manner ・Clear understanding of ITIL Change, Problem, and Incident management frameworks The Requirements ・Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science and equivalent ・Fundamental knowledge of security and vulnerability-based approach to security hardening ・Hands-on experience in VMware, Windows Server, and standard platform maintenance products such as anti-malware, server backup, and log audit software ・Fundamental knowledge of Cisco LAN and Firewall administration ・Establish and maintain a good relationship with stakeholders based on trained interpersonal skills ・Someone who can understand and speak Japanese (business level) is preferred to be able to liaise effectively with native Japanese-speaking colleagues and clients Work Experience ・Supporting IT infrastructure in a middle-size organization (approx. 200 staff) with at least 3 years of technical delivery experience ・Experience in physical server, virtual server, network, and storage systems ・Possess good and assertive verbal, and written communication skills and presentation skills ・Ability to work in a fast-paced environment with constantly changing priorities ・Good bi-directional and collaborative attitude to work as a professional in a team ・ITIL v3 Foundations Certification is an advantage RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy​ Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at ttps://www.tal.sg/tafep.

  • 【語学力不問】建設会社 建築営業 (番号156882)

    • CNY 20,000 - 40,000
    • 中国 江蘇(蘇州・無錫など)
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    【職務詳細】 ■既存顧客からの案件受注を目指していただきます ■関係維持、見積書作成、提案営業、その他アフターサービス全般 ■新規開拓 【魅力】 ★総経理はお人柄の良い方です! ★待遇詳細は人材により応相談! 【必須条件】 ■中国就労ビザ基準を満たした方 ■建築業界経験者 ■営業や建築設計、施工管理関係など、一連が分かる方 【求める人物像】 ■豊富な知識があり、顧客の質問や相談に即時の応答ができる方 ★30代~50代後半の方が活躍中! ※キーワード:中国日系企業就職 中国勤務 リクルート中国就職支援 無料斡旋サービス 建築営業・設計・施工管理



求人探しにお困りですか?現地をよく知る専門コンサルタントが日本語であなたをサポート。リクルートグループならではの海外就職トップクラスの豊富な求人からご紹介。初めての海外就職のわからないこと、何でもご相談を承ります!コンサルタントに相談する 無料