
近い条件の求人は 2 件あります。


1-2 / 2 件
  • Business Development / Project Development Assistant Manager

    • SGD 6,000 - 8,500
    • シンガポール シティ
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    Our Client: Our client is one of the top Real Estate companies from Japan. Their Singapore office acts as a Regional Corporate Office and is looking for a Business Development / Project Development Assistant Manager to join their team. The Responsibilities: • Conduct market research and feasibility studies of Indonesia real estate development business • Acquisition of new projects including selection and negotiation with potential partners • Closing of Joint Venture (JV) agreements and related contracts with JV partners • Construction progress management and project management of acquired properties (income & expenditure, cash flow plan etc.) for existing development projects • Prepare for reporting materials • Frequent travel to meet with potential clients/partners or to visit the project site and conduct market studies of Indonesia properties The Requirements: • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline • Relevant working experience in Real Estate Development in Real Estate related companies (especially product planning, design review, development progress management) • Experience in handling Real Estate Income and Expense Analysis, Marketing and organize resources & priorities • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills in dealing with people at all levels and across cultures • Willingness to travel RGF Privacy Policy – https://www.singapore.rgf-professional.com/privacy-policy Disclaimer: The Company complies with the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP), including the prevailing guidelines on recruitment. All qualified applicants will be considered for the position regardless of their age, race, religion, nationality, marital status, or family responsibilities. A more detailed discussion of the TGFEP is available on the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) website at https://www.tal.sg/tafep. JO Reference: 106765

  • 設備保全エンジニア(不動産/ジャカルタ)

    • IDR 25,000,000 - 32,000,000
    • インドネシア ジャカルタ
    • メーカー(自動車/化学/家電/鉱物/工場 他)

    【職務概要】 建物の設備保守やメンテナンス、及び修繕業務をご担当いただきます。 【職務詳細】 ◆ビル・マンション・ホテル・商業施設などの設備保守メンテナンスに関し、ローカルスタッフの指導・管理 ◆長期修繕計画、年次・月次・週次・日次点検業務の作成、実行チェック、品質チェック ◆各建物設備のメンテナンスマニュアルのチェック及び作成業務 ◆建物共用建築部分の不具合の補修提案 ◆占有部分の設備建築不具合についての二次対応 【必須スキル】 ◆何らかの設備メンテナンスに携わったご経験をお持ちの方 【歓迎スキル】 ◆配管工事のご経験をお持ちの方 ◆インドネシアで勤務経験をお持ちの方 ◆日常会話レベルのインドネシア語力をお持ちの方 ◆電気や建築関連の資格(電気主任技術者、電気工事士、建築物環境衛生管理技術、冷凍機械責任者、消防設備士、ボイラー技士等)をお持ちの方
